Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jumped the Hurdle

Not sure if anyone is still out there (well I know one person is... so thank you. LOL), but a little update on this progress.

Yesterday was... interesting. I don't do anethesia well. And by that I mean, I have a bad reaction to what they normally give people (Versed) and other stuff doesn't work as well on me as on others. So, I was awake for part of that procedure. Not too terribly bad, I was relaxed enough that I didn't care, but sometimes I think that makes things harder for me to get over afterwards. I'm very achey/crampy today and just feel "off", despite sleeping most of yesterday afternoon.

Seven eggs were retrieved. So now we hit the second hurdle... how many will actually be "good" and how many will fertilize. Every little step in the last few days has been with trepidation and each phone call to the office voicemail to find out the status is nerve-wracking.

Wes got worried because he didn't hear from me all morning (sometimes his phone chat whigs out on him, so I wasn't getting messages, even though he thought I was). It's sweet and endearing and sad all at the same time that we've been through so much together in a considerably short time, that an hour "radio silence" is concerning to him.

Two more hurdles to go in this process... and the best I can do is just keep hoping and praying and trying to be positive through it. It's hard some days, when I'm not feeling well, when I'm tired and the weather is sucking the life out of me... but somewhere I have to find a little nugget of hope; of brightness; of positive and cling to that until I can nurture it into something greater.


  1. proud of you for keeping your chin up through all of this, and it makes me smile to hear about that hour of radio silence. i hope, no matter what happens, that at the least it has strengthened your relationship :)

  2. Well the nice thing is that I always come back to the fact that (even though it wasn't in our vows), "through sickness and in health" has meant something in our relationship. He's stuck by my through the worse, which will make the good things that much sweeter, I think.

    Honestly, as cynical as I had gotten myself over the last couple years, this new "positive attitude" is getting on even MY nerves. ;) But in a good way... I'll take it if it means a happier, less stressed Jen.

  3. HUGS.

    I'm glad that you found a sweetheart to be with. You definitely have my positive thoughts and energies.
