Monday, June 6, 2011

I am Woman; Hear me ROAR!

Writers write.. and I must be a crappy one because I don't. LOL

But, like I said last post, there's just so much rattling around in this head. So, today, we shall start with the job ponderings. I'll sum up the other thoughts tomorrow maybe.

So, as some of you know, I've been out of work since November. I just started my PartyLite Business with my starter show this past week and quickly reached my goal for the kit. Today I will complete the process and we should have a site up and running before you know it!

But, sadly, at this moment at least, that's not going to scratch the surface of what we really need to make as a household income. I'm about to start NJ unemployment and that will be good, but I do still need a job. And, in the last week, I was hit with three interviews. Nothing practically since November and now three in one week. And one of them was completely surprising.

At the risk of jinxing myself, it's basically a job tailored to my resume, by people I've worked with in the past. I don't have a solid offer yet, but I'll be honestly surprised if something doesn't come of it. The interview was less, tell us how great you are for this position and more "I'll tell you how perfect you are for this job I have in mind specifically for you." Not only is that a wonderful little ego boost, but also means a lot as far as what people I've worked with think of me and my abilities and reminds me that, while I need a job and don't necessarily WANT a career (what with all this baby and stay-at-home-mom talk, you may have guessed that), having a job / career that I do love goes a long way to my other goals of having the ability to pay off debt and save in order to achieve that stay-at-home status.

So then I interviewed for the second position this morning. A project controls position that is very heavy-handed on the administrative side. A "safe" job. A "familiar" (mostly) job. A... stagnant job. It's a contract without a known "to hire" set to it. It's less money (though GOOD money... still less than the aforementioned "tailored" job would be). It would have no security, no loyalty, no pizazz. Like I said... very safe and comfortable. And... I don't think I want safe and comfortable right now. I want to branch out; I want an opportunity to try new things, to be innovative, to feel like I'm really making a difference to the company and my coworkers. To impress. To grow. To challenge.

So, maybe I shot myself in the foot by expressing that I had another potential opportunity on the table (not a lie exactly... but not the truth either) and that they'd need to do better than what they're considering offering. Especially since that offer was LESS than what I had talked to the recruiter about when I took the interview.

And, at the end of the day, I may end up sitting here, bemoaning my financial status, turned down by two jobs because of the risk I just took. But right now? That risk feels good. It feels empowered. It makes me realize that I made a conscious decision of which job I WANTED... and I'm determined to make that happen. And, maybe I'll lose that risk.... but I really honestly think I'm ok with that right now. I think that says a lot about where I am in my life right now. I've also come to realize my potential in the job market and that I don't have to just take anything... I'll take what I WANT and what is best for me.

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