Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Posing a question

As some of you know... I've been on this HUGE "positivity" kick.

Always a firm believer in "you get out what you put in" as far as a Life Plan goes, I have started to realize that the more negative I put out, the more unhappy I become. It's not been a sudden realization... it started when I was still out in Pittsburgh and my oldest brother commented on my FB statuses and how "down" they always seemed. I endeavored from then on out to try to keep things more "up." But, the process this month has been difficult to say the least. I've managed, in small ways, to find positives. But, I'm running out... with serious lack of job on the horizon, a self-perpetuating doubt of "this didn't work" and overall gloominess of most days here at home, positives are becoming short on availability.

I find positives in sometimes the unlikeliest ways - a random message from a friend, a poem I stumble across, a nice night out when I wasn't expecting to enjoy myself.

Where do you find your positives? What are reminders to you that Life isn't always so bad and maybe, just maybe, things can be so much better than you're allowing for?

1 comment:

  1. Being curled up watching cartoons with your love her beautiful baby girl. (Happy thoughts to help with dark days)
