Monday, May 2, 2011

Processing.... processing...

Honestly... STILL processing, even though I've been inundated with it all day on FB posts and news blurbs.

But, I do have a few things to say. And, I'm gonna preface this with - if you don't like what I have to say here, good for you. But, rather than blast me for it, unfriend me, stop reading me, stop speaking to me... whatever, just don't fill up my blog with hate. Because, as you may have guessed, I'm tired of the hate.

I responded to someone who mentioned the "coincidence" of the announcement of OBL's death. For the record, my cynicism doesn't come from any conspiracy belief that it's not true or never happened. It comes from a belief that, I do often feel our government times things for full impact - whether it happened yesterday or a year ago or six months ago or not at all. And, it's sort of a sad statement that I do feel suspicous in that manner. That "DNA proof" and "burial at sea" automatically make me think "lie" or "half-truth."

(Note: the irony of the below quote's speaker in context to the above is not lost on me)

If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost. Barack Obama

I find myself angry at the "General Population" for reaction to this. I am even more angry at the notion that those who do NOT feel like celebrating a death, regardless of the despicable nature of the dead person's behavior, are somehow un-American and un-patriotic. Also... for more irony... many times these are the same sort of people who claim to be Christian and who decry how horrible Islam and Muslims (love generalities) are for calling for the death of those who are not like them. I am glad those who were unable to find closure from 9/11 are able now to do so with this announcement. I am glad that there is one less inciter to violence against his fellow man. But, I'm not going to dance in the streets. I'm not going to wish there had been a more violent "justice" for him. And those who do and think I'm un-American and un-patriotic not to feel the same - I offer only peace to you. Because that is no way to continue to live your life... and what's more that is far from any sort of spiritual or religious belief I do get behind - whether it's Christ's teachings to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or the Wiccan Rede "Do as thou will; but any harm none."

Sadly, this doesn't all magically disappear because of the death of one man. And to blatantly act in a manner which is chillingly reminiscent of those in the Middle East after 9/11 only serves to continue to incite more violence.

I had hoped for so long that a great change and Enlightenment was coming for the World. But, unfortunately, mankind just keeps disappointing me; keeps showing they are far from open and ready for real change.

"...We humans have always sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner we have known, by seeking to psychologically steal it from the others--an unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world."
James Redfield

I'll still hold onto my hope for a greater understanding of each other and a greater change and move towards real peace. It's the one positive that, no matter what happens in my own life, I do still cling to. I'll continue to put out my energy towards a more positive world; a more peaceful world. If you want to think me an idealist and maybe even a little naive, so be it. But don't call me un-American or un-patriotic. Last time I checked, to be American meant to have some pretty big dreams.

1 comment:

  1. HUGS I love you no matter that I agree with your opinions.
