I swear, the meds this time have made me dumber. A week of minor "stupid" culminated in a day of some major dumb. Let's start with the thawing of a roast for dinner. One would assume this wouldn't take a rocket scientist. Get roast from freezer. Place roast in warm water to thaw. Walk away from running hot water to accomplish just one little thing (that turns into several chores all over the house). Return to kitchen to bake...... why is the floor soaked all the way to the fridg... oh crap. Ohcrapohcrapohcrap. Rush to sink to turn off running water. Rush upstairs to grab every towel in the house to start sopping up mess. Sink still overflowing. Plunge hand into scalding hot water to unplug drain... this... this was unwise. Sit down, unsure of whether to laugh or cry. Opt for something in between. Read text from husband saying he's on his way home. Tell him that's a terrible idea. Have him text LOL at you. Give up. Go back to kitchen to try to clean. Figure out where all the blasted water is coming from. Realize your SILVERWARE DRAWER is full of water. Mop up / clean everything. Sit down for another laugh/cry. Continue cleaning. Have husband come home to tell you that you missed a drawer... but the house looks nice. Ponder NOT murdering husband.
And then... after all this... put dinner together. Still feel flusetered over flood fiasco. Put corn into microwave (after realizing there's not a SINGLE package of peas in the house which is what you REALLY wanted). Continue putting dinner together only to hear loud POP from microwave... realizing you didn't slit the package open like you're supposed to.
Realize that this week was a series of stupid and you can't wait for these meds to stop.
Pregnant or parental friends often use the term "baby brain." Let me tell you... "baby" has nothing to do with it. Hormones make us dumber; I swear this to you.
Tuesday is retrieval. Yay. Last shot tonight, blood work tomorrow morning and procedure Tuesday morning. Then I can rest. Still not entirely sure if we're doing an actual transfer this month or if he'll opt to freeze anything he gets, give my body a rest and transfer next month. Whatever. I'm too tired and done with being stupid for this month.
you remember the water pitcher we used to have filled in the fridge? at least once a week, one of us would put the empty pitcher under the filtered water faucet and walk away and come back 2 minutes later to a soggy counter and overflowing pitcher.
ReplyDeleteover the summer, i left one there all day. all the drawers and shelving under the counter were soaked. the basement had pools. the kitchen floor was flooded.
you are not alone.... :)
Oh I know I'm not alone. Wes did the same thing when I was out in Pittsburgh once. It was more to the point of this was the highlight of a lot of little stupid all week long. I feel like my brain has turned to some serious mush. All I can say is that I'm glad retrieval is tomorrow and maybe my hormone levels can return to SOME semblance of normal (at least normal for me) and I can stop feeling so incredibly stupid. It's NOT helping my overall confidence level, that's for durn sure....