It looks as though we're not going to do a transfer this cycle. My body is sort of ok with that... I think I need a little rest. But I'm still a bit disappointed. Even though we seem to have nine fertilized embryos, not all of them are growing as fast as they should. Which doesn't bode well... this is a trend we've seen in my previous cycles and each time it makes me a little more convinced that maybe this just isn't meant to be.
The embryologist who called today said they'll check again tomorrow and will freeze any they get to blasocyst state. I don't know when that means I'll have an actual transfer, but we'll see.
Research shows sometimes doing a frozen cycle over a fresh cycle is more successful. I have yet to find an answer as to WHY that is (though I keep looking). The only thing I can think is that with a frozen they have a better idea of the actual quality. /shrug
At any rate, I do need to consider how long I keep this up. I don't want to give up, but the realist in me keeps saying maybe it's time. And that breaks my heart to think about... that the realist is speaking from purely a financial point of view instead of the hopeful side of me who will keep trying until the doctor says it's over.
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