Monday, April 11, 2011

Occupation of Thoughts

Today was a pretty good day for that, actually. I smidge warmer than I'd have liked but after the crappy beginning of Spring, I'll take it. Planted the majority of my garden (and keeping fingers crossed ol' Black Thumb doesn't strike again!), planted my irises, cleaned the (ahem) less desirable aspect of the yard when you're a dog owner, organized the kindling pile for the fire pit (as best I could), signed my tax forms at H&R Block, made phone calls, got laundry started... collapsed in a sweaty, dirty, but happy, mess. :)

I need to keep the thoughts occupied going for the next couple weeks and just hope and pray things are progressing as they should. Waiting truly is the hardest part.

Sadly, the rest of the week looks kinda poor for outdoor work. Which means I need to find things inside to occupy my time that don't require a lot of heavy lifting. We shall see if I can keep the trend going...

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